Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Get to know: Monica

Hello dear friends, it's been a while!

We're back with a series of quick, informal interviews with each of the band members. As some of you may already know, we have found ourselves a rad bassist and we thought it fitting to have her answer a few questions of her choice. Here's what Monica had to say:

What is your role in the band?
My role in the band is playing bass guitar. Essentially what I do is take what Larissa is playing, and then what Kelly and Candice are playing, and come up with something rad that brings it all together.

Name one of your favourite albums from your younger days?
Definitely the 1991 album "Nevermind" by Nirvana. 

What causes are you passionate about at the moment?
The development of young musicians is most definitely something I'm passionate about. I want to play a part in helping them be the best musicians they can be, by creating opportunities to showcase their talent. I also get to watch them grow, not just musically, but as people too.
Another cause I'm very passionate about is organ donation. By donating your organs you can save the lives of 7 people and give them the best gift ever. I think it's a selfless thing to do and I challenge everyone out there to become an organ donor. It's really easy, free and you can sign up online here: http://www.odf.org.za/

What's the most rewarding thing for you as a musician?
The most rewarding thing for me as a musician is being able to perform and watch people enjoy the music I'm playing. 

If you could put a show together with any 3 bands in the world, who would they be?
30 Seconds to Mars, Flyleaf and Metallica. My life would be made!!!

Have anything to ask Monica? Comment on this post and she'll tell you all you want to know!


  1. If you were the most insane scientist with magical powers and a blue unicorn... what would you invent?

    1. I would invent blue unicorns that pee beer and poop brownies!
